Hatha Vinyasa Flow

with Aishwarya

Date: 18 January 2019

Time : 6.45 am - 8.00 am

Venue : ILC Hall


In this session the practitioner will be guided through a dynamic sequence of asanas, while using the major muscle groups to improve balance and coordination in every posture. The focus of this 1hr 15 minute session will be on centering the mind, the breath and drishti are aids in this practice. The session ends with a short visualisation practice.

Brief bio:

Hailing from South India, and currently residing in Auroville, Aishwarya has trained in the traditional methods of teaching yoga, receiving certifications from 1000Yoga (Bangalore) and Yogadarshanam (Mysore). She has been teaching for 1 year. “My yoga practice has taught me that there lies a potential within each one of us waiting to be discovered. I am keen to contribute to our community the meaning of yoga practice, as taught to me by my esteemed teachers.
