Aligned Vinyasa

with Suryamayi

Date: 27 January 2018

Time : 5.00 pm - 6.30 pm

Venue : ILC Hall


Every Saturday

from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm 

A practice that cultivates connection with the breath and aligned embodiment, and seeks to enhance the yoga of daily life. 

Level: Beginners - Intermediate
Afternoon practice focus is on hip-openers, forward folds, seated poses, restorative asanas and pranayama.

Brief bio:

Suryamayi was born and raised in Auroville. Her yoga education began at 6 years old, with the Awareness through the Body program through which children (and adults) cultivate awareness of all parts of the being to harmonise these around their inmost centre. She began sharing ATB in 2008, and continues to attend regular sessions and trainings in Auroville. Suryamayi became a dedicated hatha yoga practitioner in 2008. She trained in Anusara yoga, a heart-centered and alignment-focused practice in which she earned her teaching certification in 2011. More recently she has studied and taught (with Mark Whitwell, a student of TKV Desikachar) a breath-led practice that fosters an intimate connection with the inner being to inform yoga authentic to each practitioner. Suryamayi feels very fortunate for the opportunities she has been gifted to develop her hatha yoga practice, and offers her experience as an opportunity for those wishing to develop theirs in Auroville.
