Heart Energy Meditation

with Ananda

Date: 16 January 2018

Time : 5.00 pm - 6.30 pm

Venue : ILC Hall



If light is in your heart, you will find your way home ~ Rumi

The heart is the energy centre of love, healing, balance & transformation, a bridge connecting human and divine, known and unknown. These simple and powerful heart meditations, using Body-Mind- Emotions-Energy, help us tune to healing and trust in the natural flow of life, enhancing warmth, energy of love and light shining from inside.

Brief bio:

Ananda is a yogi, meditator, healer and guide sharing experiential retreats, trainings, and individual sessions across Asia & Europe. His work is based on deep experiences with Yoga, Tantra, Psychology, Inner Science, ancient and modern forms of healing tools.
