Holistic Reflexology

with Ananda

Dates: 05 February 2018 to 10 February 2018

Time : 9.00 am - 4.30 pm

Venue : ILC Hall


5 day : 5th to 10th of February 

From 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Holistic Reflexology is deeply relaxing, healing & balancing tool for body-mind-energy.
With meditative presence, loving energy & by activating and relaxing nerve endpoints, lymphatic nodes and energy points in hands and feet, we support harmonizing internal organs, blood circulation, nervous, hormonal, lymphatic systems and boost immunity.


Welcome to intensive journey to explore and deepen with

 • anatomy of physical and energy body and yogic science
 • warmup, self healing techniques and use of supportive tools
 • reflexology techniques & sequence for organs, nerves, hormones, …
 • specific sequence for lymphatic flush drainage & energy balancing

 • reading various body types and variations in approaches to apply
 • meditations to be open channel of sensitivity, presence and loving energy 
 • effective ways to give deep healing sessions effortlessly 


Brief bio:

Ananda is a yogi, meditator, healer and guide sharing experiential retreats, trainings, and individual sessions across Asia & Europe. His work is based on deep experiences with Yoga, Tantra, Psychology, Inner Science, ancient and modern forms of healing tools.
